Refreed Papers
- Kennedy, P., Linan-Thompson, S., Kim, W., & Lee, S. B., Dorman, M., & Cook, M. (under review). The Use of Written Expression CBM (WE-CBM) to Measure English Bilingual Learners’ Writing Development. American Educational Research Journal.
- Lee, S. B. (under review). Representation of students receiving special education in the literature on technology-based reading comprehension interventions: A systematic review. Review of Educational Research.
- Biancarosa, G., Kennedy, P. C., Lee, S. B., DeWeese, J. N., Wong, Y. L., Deng, J., Weiss, D. J., & Davison, M. L. (under review). Measurement Precision and Diagnosticity of Low-Stakes, Variable-Length Computerized Adaptive Educational Tests. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.
Reports and Other Published Work
- Lee, S. B. (in press). The Importance and Cases of Autonomy in Special Education in the United States (written in Korean; 미국 특수교육에서 자치 활동의 중요성과 사례). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).
- Lee, S. B. (2024, June). Introduction to Special Education and Disability Research Institutes in the United States (written in Korean; 미국의 특수 교육 및 장애 연구 기관 소개). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).
- Davison, M. L., Weiss, D. J., DeWeese, J. N., Wong, Y. L., Biancarosa, G., Kennedy, P. C., & Lee, S. (2024). MOCCA Computerized Adaptive Test Technical Manual: Working Draft. MOCCA Technical Report MTR-2024-01. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.
- Lee, S.B. (2023, December). Disability Awareness Improvement and Universal Design in the United States (written in Korean; 미국의 일상 속 보편설계와 장애인식개선의 노력). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).
- Lee, S.B. (2023, October). Participation in Outdoor Activities of Students with Disabilities and Perpetuating Challenges (written in Korean; 장애학생들의 야외 활동 참여 그리고 지속되는 어려움). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).
- Lee, S.B. (2023, July). Promoting Environmental Awareness and Education (written in Korean; 환경 인식 개선과 생태 환경 교육). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).
- Lee, S.B. (2023, May). Utilizing EdTech in US Special Education Classrooms (written in Korean; 미국 특수교육 교실에서의 에듀테크 활용). Special Education in Practice (현장특수교육), National Institute of Special Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (대한민국 교육부 국립특수교육원).