Unveiling Inner Narratives: Evaluating Question Development Intervention for Social-pragmatic Inference in ASD Through Eye-Tracking Analysis (in progress)
Dissertation Committee: Gina Biancarosa, Stephanie De Anda, Wendy Machalicek, Katheryn Mills
Shiny apps
1. Eye-Tracking Data Visualization
This Shiny app was part of a class project (EDLD 652 Data Visualization) for the Educational Data Science specialization in Winter 2023. Click here to open the shiny app.
2. Special Education Progress Monitoring
This Shiny app was my capstone project for the Educational Data Science specialization in Winter 2024. This app aims to streamline the process of tracking and analyzing student progress, focusing on evidence-based teaching practices and efficient data management. The app’s emphasis on user-friendliness, data security, and insightful data visualization stands to make it an indispensable tool for special education professionals. Click here to open the shiny app.
3. Letter Sound Probe Generator for Alaskan Native Languages
This Shiny app was designed to generate letter sound probes and surveys in Alaska native languages (e.g., Iñupiaq, Tlingit, and Yup’ik) for educational purposes as a part of Literacy Screeners for Alaska Indigenous Languages project, in Summer 2024. Please find the Letter Sound Assessment Probe Generator here.